
It’s a Marathon, Not a Sprint

Mar 29, 2021

If you’ve attended a Strategic Planning session, you may have heard ‘it’s a marathon, not a sprint’ in terms of implementing your plan, your intentions. As a marathon runner (yes I am insane and have run 20 marathons over the years), this mantra hits particularly close to home. Today as I finished my first long […]

If you’ve attended a Strategic Planning session, you may have heard ‘it’s a marathon, not a sprint’ in terms of implementing your plan, your intentions.

As a marathon runner (yes I am insane and have run 20 marathons over the years), this mantra hits particularly close to home.

Today as I finished my first long (virtual) race in two years, I can’t help but reflect on how this saying has applied to both my business life and my personal life. I would love to be able to sprint to ‘off the charts’ sales growth and quickly put this pandemic behind me. Alas, no. That is not my adventure. I need to put in the hard work, day in and day out. Show up for my clients, and for me, to achieve the growth. I need to be patient with vaccine distribution and the world opening back up.

Just like in running, business and life is a marathon, not a sprint. Enjoy your adventure, entrepreneurial or personal. Log the time, log the miles. You will experience peaks and valleys along the way. Know I am here for you cheering you on. You will reach your finish line, you will achieve your plans. And when you do, celebrate! Accept your medal and your success because you deserve it.

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